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1 The Private Universe
NR 0 2

The UK's favourite Star Wars and Sci-Fi fan site for news, reviews, forums and more.
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2 Star Wars: The Fallen Order
NR 0 1
A Star Wars role play. The empire are back, and the Jedi are crumbling, will history repeat itself? You decide. Comments
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3 Sailor Moon Institute
NR 0 1
Sailor Moon Institute provides Sailor Moon Episodes. Based upon the female version of StarWars - you will enjoy the journey of Princess Serenity from the Moon Kingdom. She finds her fellow Sailor Plan Comments
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4 StarWars
NR 0 0
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5 Az Erő Útjai-Star Wars szerepjáték, fórum RPG
9.41 0 1

One of the best and most known forum-based hungarian RPG sites. We also make a good live community and summer camps of Jedi Camp, with live roleplaying in many SW eras.
May the Force be with you!
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6 Star Wars Hungary
NR 0 0
Nézd meg az oldalunkat!
Adminnak lehet jelentkezni!
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7 Star Wars - A New Sith Empire
NR 0 1
It has been 100 years since the death of Yoda, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious and the Death Star. The Jedi Order has been rebuilt, People are no longer scared. But a darkness grows in the outer rim worlds Comments
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8 Star Wars Toys
NR 0 1

Star Wars Collectibles. German
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9 Lightsabre
0.00 0 0
News, reviews, fan fiction, artwork, interviews, costuming, links, affiliates, radio and video shows, comic strips - everything you could possibly need from a website, so come and check us out... Comments
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10 STAR WARS :: Expansion Wars
NR 0 0
New SWRP site based in the year 2,075 ABY. Comments
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11 Aayla-Fan
10.00 0 1

Aayla-Fan is a fansite for the jedi "Aayla Secura"
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12 Ultimate Star Wars
10.00 0 0
We Are A Star Wars Fan Site, With Loads To Do. Comments
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13 Star Wars Headquarters
10.00 0 1
Star Wars Headquarters ist eine deutsche Fansite die aktuelle Star Wars News von Games, Büchern, Comics, Filmen und vielem mehr postet.

Wir haben Contents über: Empire At War, Republic Heroes, The ol
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14 Rise of the Sith
10.00 0 0
An alternate universe star wars board set in the Legacy Era. What if when Palpatine was killed, Vader survived and trained Luke Skywalker to become a sith, and through them the sith order grew slowly and survived. Now, what if fifty years later, the sit Comments
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15 Nerf-Herders Anonymous
NR 0 0
Largest collection of Star Wars references in the world, plus, the only Star Wars Actors Database on the internet, over 900 actors listed. Comments
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NR 0 0

The year is 2071 BBY. The Republic is being attacked by the Sith. Dark Jedi Nava is seeking to destroy the Republic by first destroying the Jedi. This new war has caught everyone off guard. Every faction is involved in this new battle. Will you help the n
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17 Star Wars Universe Roleplay
4.43 0 0

3602 BBY. The galaxy has been thrown into upheaval as the forgotten Sith rise from the ashes of their ancestors. No one is safe from the effects of this political unrest as the Republic is forced to take the defensive against this dark tyranny.
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18 STAR WARS RP : The Expansion Wars
10.00 0 0
We start 400 years after the Death of the last great Sith Lord, Darth Krayt, and the destruction of his Sith Empire. The Sith have since been in hiding for centuries, waiting their arrival back into the known galaxy. On the other side of the Galaxy, a War Comments
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19 •» STAR WARS; the galaxy
10.00 0 0

A Star Wars Roleplay forum, based in the times of the Old Republic. Will the Republic fall after years of breaking apart? Who will replace them as the sole authority in the galaxy? You decide!
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20 Primal Storm
NR 0 0
Primal Storm, is a Star Wars and Transformers Play-by-Post Role-Playing Game. Comments
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21 Star Wars: Secrets of the Force
10.00 0 1
Its been well over 700 hundred years since the Ruusan war and the threat of the Sith allegedly gone. The Republic has grown strong with their Guardians of the Peace helping to secure the new alliance. Comments
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22 Star Wars: Haven
10.00 0 0
An RPG set up years after Knights of the Old Republic 2. The Republic has finally been stablized but darkness lingers in the outer rim. The Sith Empire and the Mandalorians are rebuilding... Comments
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23 The Dark Sith Lords
10.00 0 1
We are mainly a Sith site. Jedi are allowed to roleplay, but unfortunately, we do not have a Jedi Order. We are a very friendly star wars site and have been active for almost 4 years now. Comments
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24 Yun-Harla
10.00 0 0
Small website about Jaina Solo, the daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. With biography, gallery, cosplay section, fan art, fan fiction, and lots of icons and wallpapers (both Star Wars and not) Comments
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25 RotS community
8.29 0 0

Bulgarian Star Wars community website.
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26 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: The Force Wars
NR 0 0
We are a KOTOR RP that takes place two years after the events of KOTOR II. The Jedi Exile, has dissapeared from space, and the Dark Lord Revan has returned at the head of a massive invasion fleet. Revan has conquered numerous planets, and the Jedi are pre Comments
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27 Lightsabers-Universe
NR 0 0

Lightsaber Universe ist ein Star Wars Rollenspiel, welches im Jahr 150 NSY spielt. Während die Jedi versuchen die Republik neu aufzubauen, droht erneut eine Gefahr in den Tiefen der Galaxis
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28 - Online Shop für Star Wars Figuren und Raumschiffe
10.00 0 0

Online Shop für Star Wars Action Figuren und Raumschiffe, von vintage bis modern - ovp und lose. Ständig wachsendens Sortiment, tolle Rabatt-Angebote und günstige Versandkosten.
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29 Force Aura
7.29 0 2
Force Aura is set in the year 5,001 ABY. Darkness is returning to the galaxy. Comments
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30 Star Wars Expanse
7.50 0 1
Star Wars Expanse is an free online rpg. YOu can play as Sith or Jedi in this unique twist on star wars. You have to vist to see the exciting twist. Comments
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31 Star Wars Toy Box
10.00 0 1

Star Wars Toy Box a place for Star Wars Odds & Ends. Collectible Items and more..
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32 Star Wars Shop -
10.00 0 0 aspires to lead the galaxy in supplying excellent quality Star Wars Replica Costumes, Fancy Dress, Jedi Robes, Toys, Collectables, Figures, Vehicles, Play Sets, Games, Models, Books and many many rare, unique and special Jedi and Sith items
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33 Star Wars: A New Kind Of Dark
10.00 0 1

Twenty-one years have passed since the inception of the New Republic. The Galaxy appears to be in an age or prosperity. Peace no longer appears to be just a dream, but a reality that is being lived.

Warring planets have come together in harmony. Warri
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34 The most imperial uploader
7.00 0 1
Upload your files easily, fast and for free Comments
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35 The Imperial Commandos
10.00 0 0

TIC is a forum-based rpg that is set in the star wars universe. Promotions, Ranks, Weapons, Ships, Vehicals and more! play today for FREE!
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36 Star Wars Epics
9.75 0 0

High quality roleplaying and discussion centered around George Lucas' fantastic galaxy.
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37 Wars of Potter
8.33 0 1

A harry potter and star wars fan site
Home of The Imperial Cammandos
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38 starwars knights of the past
10.00 0 0

starwars knight of the past happens way before any of the starwars moives
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9.77 0 2

GalacticBinder is a directory of websites related to the Star Wars universe. By using our category tree or advanced search engine it’s easy to find the websites you’re looking for and get a direct link to those sites. From Star Wars ringtones to costume
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40 Revenge of the sith community
NR 0 1
Revenge Of The Sith Community - Fan site of star wars and episode III: Revenge Of The sith in BG Comments
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41 Pure Star Wars
NR 0 1

The best board for any Star Wars fan! Has forums for every Star Wars topic you can imagine.
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42 Star Wars:
5.00 0 1

The Galaxy has entered a state of war. The Mandalorians are on the offensive, and the Jedi numbers are dwindling to a mere handful. The Battle of Mon Calamari, the Galactic Federation's main source of warships, is about to begin.
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43 Clone Wars RPG
NR 0 0
A RPG based on the Clone Wars. WE need more members and its worth it. All we do is RPG!!!!! Comments
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44 skuldren
10.00 0 0

Star Wars role playing site set during the Mandalorian wars. Join the ranks of the Mandalorians and Sith as they storm the galaxy! Or rally round the Republic or lead the way as part of the Jedi Order
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45 Star Wars: Rise of the Force
4.00 0 1

Star Wars: Rise of the Force is a message board Star Wars role play taking place twenty-four years after Return of the Jedi. It's a play-by-post advanced RP with para/multi-para RPing.
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46 Star Wars: "..and then there was darkness.."
5.00 0 1
It is a dangerous and turbulent time for the Galaxy. Now, in 200 ABY the three largest factions of the Galaxy are still grabbing for more power while mercenary groups and crime syndicates grow continuously.

Who will make the first move? When will the S
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47 Star Wars: The New Reign
0.00 0 0
Made in response to the deletion of Star Wars: The Dark Legacy. The Galaxy is in turmouil. The Chiss and the Sith have taken advantage of the Republics turmoil and the Imperial Remnant is merely a borderskirmish. Comments
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48 Star Wars: Carbon
10.00 0 1

Set in an alternate universe where the Empire has recently risen, the Sith have affiliated themselves with this new Empire, while the Jedi are nearly completely destroyed. Whispers of a Rebellion and the Jedi are scarce, but who is to say, they're not aro
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49 Star Wars: The New Age
10.00 0 1

New star wars RP, Play as: Empire, Republic, Jedi, Sith, Mandalorian. Or stay independent and pull in some credits
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50 Force Aura
9.50 0 1

Force Aura is a text-based, alternate universe Star Wars role play that is set in 25 ABY. That means we are Post Episode VI and Pre Vong Invasion.
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